Monday, May 22, 2006

The Chronicles of Micheal (prelude)


"The light will lead you, youlwilloknowvtheiwaynwhengyou see it." he could still hear the orcale say. Her words to him were like a whisper now, slowly fading into the wind.
"What if there is no light? What if there is no path for me to see?" Michael thought to himself. He was growing weary, every step he took was like a walking a mile. There seemed to be no end to the dense forest, the sun had disappeared over the horizon hours ago and he was all alone, cold and dark. He prayed, asking for strength to go on. He had to go on, if he stopped god knows what manner of wild beast will seek to tear him apart.
He knelt down for a moment. Putting his hands together he closed his eyes.

As he opened his eyes he looked around him, he was still in the forest. But something was different. It wasn't dark anymore, It was like the sky was bleached whiter than white. He could see clearly in the forest. He got off his knees and began walking. He could see a cobble stone road in the distance, it was far off, but he could make it. He had to.

And so after an hours' travel he arrived at the yellow brick road. It had two paths, and upon each path was a message chipped into the road. One said, "Where this road goes no one knows." And the other, "Walk me and i shall return you to where you were."
And he looked upon the two paths and thought for a moment, before continuing on.
He mumbled to himself: " You would know why i chose the road i chose, if you knew where i came from..."


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