Friday, March 09, 2007

The Spartan rides home...

"Is it time yet?" he asked. His voice transmitted a sadness, only the ears could feel.
"I believe so young one." Was the reply he hoped not to hear. Yet it was the reply he recieved...

"Its time for me to leave. But for you young one, It has just begun. Return to where you most desire to be. Return to battle ground you call the ring. For is that not where your heart belongs?"
And with those words his teacher left. And the boy knew it was true. In the Ring, was where he wanted to be. To fight like a warrior. To fight like how his teacher taught him to.
In the Ring, The(topaz)coloured lights illuminate the center. In there, the (halo) of colours can make one feel distant. In there where the punches fly, what will carry me through is the thought of a (simple) night. That night when the stars were bright and the moon (shone) a path for me.
And then the bell will ring. And only one will walk out a winner.