Sunday, February 03, 2008

Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

"Never leave anyone behind", thats my philosophy.
Why is it this world is built upon the doctrine that in order to succeed, someone else has to get the short end of the stick?
We live in a world where there is more than enough to go around, yet there are people who starve while others can choose to throw food out the window. While people starve, crops are allowed to rot on the fields so that people can earn a few extra cents instead of dropping the price.

We look at this and despise it, yet we don't even start with ourselves and we expect the world to change?
If we can sell each other out like no one's business, there isn't much hope for this world...

My theory is that we for some reason feel that we're significant. We feel that we're actually important or something, that our lives mean anything in the grander scheme of things. Therefore we have some unwritten right to step over people and throw people aside to get what we want.
I'd like to challange that view, we're really not all important, we're really nothing at all. Allow me to illustrate my point.

Heres another insight worth taking a look at:

Really puts things into perspective, at least for me...